Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rep. Grimm (R-NY) announces bill to repeal tan tax

New York Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) recently committed to introduce legislation to repeal the federal 10% excise tax on indoor tanning. Click here to see a copy of his letter to the rest of Congress seeking co-sponsors for the bill.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Severe Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Pneumonia Deaths --Doctors Lounge

Severe Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Pneumonia Deaths --Doctors Lounge

Sunshine linked to fatherhood: Vitamin D boosts sperm quality

Male sexual health may be improved with vitamin D and sun exposure, University of Copenhagen researchers reported this week — another reason researchers are saying that overzealous sun avoidance is unnatural and has potential negative side effects.

“Would-be fathers should make the most of the next sunny day by taking off their shirt and topping off their tan,” London’s Daily Mail reported in a story Saturday. “A study of 340 men found that vitamin D, produced by the body when exposed to the sun, boosts the quality of sperm.”

According to the research team, sperm in vitamin D sufficient men were better at swimming toward an egg, had more speed and were better able to penetrate the egg. Their findings were published this month in the journal Human Reproduction and correspond to previous research linking low vitamin D levels to decreased sperm production.

To read the Daily Mail report click here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WebMD: Study Helps Explain How Ultraviolet Light Therapy and Vitamin D Creams Treat Psoriasis

May 12, 2011 -- Ultraviolet light therapy and vitamin D creams are widely prescribed treatments for psoriasis, and now a new study may help explain why they work for so many patients. Read full article

Study: Long-Term Tanners – Less Breast Cancer

A study out of Sweden suggests a powerful connection between tanning and a decreased incidence of breast cancer and other cancers in women. The research followed nearly 50,000 Swedish women for 15 years. The participants ranged in age from 30 to 49 when the program began back in 1991-1992. Approximately 2,000 of the ladies received a cancer diagnosis during the study, with the following types reported: brain, colon-rectal, lung, ovarian and breast cancer.

In an effort to examine potential associations between UV exposure and the increased or decreased risk of various cancers – including breast cancer – the researchers reviewed the history of UV exposure for all the women when they were ages 10 to 29. The breast cancer rate was nearly 50 percent less among those subjects who had spent more than a week a year during those years enjoying moderate UV exposure (even on an annual vacation). The tanned Swedes also showed 30 percent less risk of developing an internal cancer as compared to their non-tanning counterparts.

The researchers – from the University of Oxford in England, the University of Oslo in Norway, The Karolinska Institute in Sweden and the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States – concluded there was no support to establish a negative link between overall cancer risk and ongoing UV exposure experienced earlier in life. In fact, the women who received UV exposure through indoor tanning or the sun experienced significantly fewer cases of internal ailments such as breast cancer.

The study’s authors intimate that the decreased propensity for illness can be attributed to vitamin D associated with increased UV exposure through tanning equipment or sunlight.

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention: Prospective study of UV exposure and cancer incidence among Swedish women