Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Do You Lack? Probably Vitamin D


Published: July 26, 2010
Vitamin D promises to be the most talked-about and written-about supplement of the decade. While studies continue to refine optimal blood levels and recommended dietary amounts, the fact remains that a huge part of the population — from robust newborns to the frail elderly, and many others in between — are deficient in this essential nutrient. ... (more)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Nutra Legacy: Indoor tanning preferable to tanning in the sun

5 Ways to Get Best Skin Tan and Avoid Damaging UV rays: Offering tips on the best way to tan

If you have pale skin, then you may want to get a little color. However, getting a tan can be a pretty risky endeavor these days. There was a time when you did your skin tanning out under the sun, but thanks to the high UV index, that is no longer possible. In fact, too much exposure to the sun and its damaging radiation is one of the leading skin cancer causes out there. However, there are plenty of ways to get the best skin tan and avoid damaging UV rays all at once.

1. Right Time Under Sun

Now, tanners typically fall into two categories: those who would not even consider baking under the sun and risking the wrath of one of the biggest skin cancer causes, and those who think nothing of spending hours beneath the sun’s rays. Why not look for a happy medium instead? It is still possible to safely get a tan under the sun. You can simply limit the amount of time you spend beneath it. Do not expose yourself for more than an hour at a time. When the sun is particularly intense, you should limit it to thirty minutes. Furthermore, always wear sun screen. It can help reduce the effect the high UV index can have on your skin.

2. Tanning Beds

To be perfectly honest, as most of us are becoming aware, using a tanning bed is not the best skin tan option out there – but it is preferable to the sun! You have more rigid control over the amount of UV rays you receive, the amount of time you spend tanning, and the conditions in which you are doing so.

3. Extending Your Tan

If you do decide to do your skin tanning under the sun or in a tanning bed, you can be safe by trying to make your tan last as long as possible. You can do this simply be keeping your skin moisturized, so it doesn’t peel. That way, the outer layer of skin holding the melanin that gives you a tanned color, moisturizing will help it stay intact longer.

4. Rub-On Tans

The safest way to get the best skin tan is by using a self tanner. Rub on tanning products are a favorite in this genre. Of course, the only problem is that they can sometimes be a little too intense. In other words, you could end up looking like a pumpkin or a carrot. To avoid that orange patina, you need to be very careful both in your choice of product and in your application of it.

5. Spray-On Tans

A lot of people find that spray on tanners are a much better breed of self tanning. Here you have the option of making sure your tan is even, and as light or as dark as you want it while avoiding all of those other skin cancer causes.

The information supplied in this article is not to be considered as medical advice and is for educational purposes only.

Bright colors when tanned

July 4, 2010
By Valentina dePertis

When you have got a summer glow it is night to show it off by wearing bright colors. Earnings: Aldo Sweater: Gina tricot Top: Urban outfitters

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Helath Care, Vitamin D, and Indoor Tanning

A great summary of the benefits of indoor tanning / UV exposure coupled with links to research that popular media (and dermatologists) seems to be largely ignoring: Just 'D' Facts

"It is a shame that this Congress is doing everything backwards. Moderate and controlled non-burning exposure to Sunshine would reduce Health Care costs, not add to it."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chemical Sunscreen the New Tobacco?

Posted July 14, 2010 at

Doctors and the AMA were paid huge dollars to sponsor big tobacco in the 1950s. In Serpent on the Staff, Chicago Times reporters Howard Wolinsky and Tom Brune expose such unhealthy practices of the AMA and their 300,000 doctor members. Would you believe doctors continued to represent big tobacco six years after the first U.S. Surgeon General’s warnings appeared on cigarettes?

Today, you are lead to believe chemical sunscreens are safe because they are sold in stores and recommended, again, for profit, by doctors and trusted organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology. However, a recent U.S. CDC study finds 97% of Americans are contaminated with Oxybenzone – the chemical found in 588 sunscreens, 172 facial moisturizers, 111 lip balms, and 81 different types of lipstick. Many of those products buy “seals of approval” from trusted organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology, the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Oxybenzone and other sunscreen chemicals behave like estrogens, disrupting normal hormonal function. In lakes, where chemical-laden swimmers frequent, fish are jumping gender from male to female. Oxybenzone is also responsible for killing coral. Chemical sunscreens, contrary to popular belief, do not reflect sunlight harmlessly away. When sunlight strikes the chemical a reaction occurs converting energy into free radicals responsible for premature aging and DNA damage – which can lead to skin cancer.

Today as in the 1950s, doctors are concerned more about profit than your health. Chemical sunscreen is the new tobacco.

Study: Melanoma is NOT increasing in actual incidence, but merely in reported incidence

Dermatology conspiracy? A 2009 British Journal of Dermatology report concluded that melanoma isn't increasing in actual incidence, but merely in reported incidence. The report found that doctors were simply reporting and removing more lesions that may not actually be cancerous.

Is Profit Behind Dermatology's 'Sun Scare' Message?

Next time your dermatologist scares you with facts about the dangers of UV exposure, melanoma, or the importance of using SPF lotions, you may want to read this article first:

One of the most interesting facts: According to the National Cancer Institute, melanoma only contributes just 0.1 percent of all cancer deaths--it isn't even in the top 15 when it comes to cancer.

This past spring the Association of Health Care Journalists called into question dermatology's math about melanoma. AHCJ reported a person's risk of melanoma is identified at roughly two-to-three per thousand. (Whether they catch sun outdoors or in a tanning bed.) Melanoma is quite rare and it's actually declining in most of the population, except for older men, who get it most often. Oddly, the media marketing campaign for skin cancer prevention is aimed almost entirely at young women, who have less than a one in 100,000 chance of succumbing to melanoma. According to the National Cancer Institute's data, that number has actually gone down more than 50 percent in women 20 to 49 since 1975.

Michael Hicks: Tan tax is downright silly... a modest proposal

"The problem is that this tax fails every single criterion of effective tax policy. It is narrow, easily avoided, suffers high administrative costs, and distorts consumer and producer behavior. It is downright silly..." By Michael Hicks • For The Star Press • July 11, 2010, "MICHAEL HICKS: A modest proposal: The SUN Tax of 2010"

Monday, July 12, 2010

Vitamin D Fears Lead to Sun Warnings Review - Beauty & Skin -

Vitamin D Fears Lead to Sun Warnings Review - Beauty & Skin -

Nebraska tanning-industry group plans tax protest

From the Associated Press: The Associated Press June 25, 2010, 1:44PM ET


The Nebraska Indoor Tanning Association is planning to protest at the Capitol in Lincoln next week against a new federal tax on tanning beds.

The 10 percent tax on tanning bed use starts nationwide on Thursday, part of the federal health care overhaul.

A news release from association says the so-called "tan tax" is part of an ongoing scare campaign, "orchestrated by dermatologists and cosmetic companies, that exploits inaccurate fears of the sun" and ultraviolet light.

The association says the tax is unfair because fitness clubs that offer indoor tanning are exempt from the tax.

The rally is set to begin at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Capitol.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hollywood Tans CEO: Tax Is Arrogant

Hollywood Tans CEO: Tax Is Arrogant

Hollywood Tans CEO comments on the Tan Tax, making an excellent point that classifying this as a Sin Tax is unfair... studies don't show any significant connection between cancer and indoor tanning... they show a connection between BURNING and cancer. Responsible tanning... that's the Hollywood Tans mantra!

Hollywood Tans owner interviewed about nation's new Tan Tax

The federal government's new tan tax went into effect on July 1st, and 11Alive news interviewed the owner of Hollywood Tans of Atlanta regarding the impact it'll have on the industry. Check it out yourself at: New Tanning Law Reaction!