Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chemical Sunscreen the New Tobacco?

Posted July 14, 2010 at

Doctors and the AMA were paid huge dollars to sponsor big tobacco in the 1950s. In Serpent on the Staff, Chicago Times reporters Howard Wolinsky and Tom Brune expose such unhealthy practices of the AMA and their 300,000 doctor members. Would you believe doctors continued to represent big tobacco six years after the first U.S. Surgeon General’s warnings appeared on cigarettes?

Today, you are lead to believe chemical sunscreens are safe because they are sold in stores and recommended, again, for profit, by doctors and trusted organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology. However, a recent U.S. CDC study finds 97% of Americans are contaminated with Oxybenzone – the chemical found in 588 sunscreens, 172 facial moisturizers, 111 lip balms, and 81 different types of lipstick. Many of those products buy “seals of approval” from trusted organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology, the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Oxybenzone and other sunscreen chemicals behave like estrogens, disrupting normal hormonal function. In lakes, where chemical-laden swimmers frequent, fish are jumping gender from male to female. Oxybenzone is also responsible for killing coral. Chemical sunscreens, contrary to popular belief, do not reflect sunlight harmlessly away. When sunlight strikes the chemical a reaction occurs converting energy into free radicals responsible for premature aging and DNA damage – which can lead to skin cancer.

Today as in the 1950s, doctors are concerned more about profit than your health. Chemical sunscreen is the new tobacco.

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