Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Member of Congress John Lewis ignores our questions about the tan tax

We have reached out to Representative John Lewis (GA 5th district) numerous times about the 10% Tan Tax. And each time they've sent a boiler plate response that makes no mention about the Tan Tax. All we're looking for is Rep. Lewis' response as to why he supported the Tan Tax in the Health Care bill, and his thoughts on repealing this unfair and burdening tax on our consumers. Mr. Lewis' latest response (below) is the worst of all... a canned response regarding our e-mail which supposedly expressed our "support for increasing federal funding for health research and disease prevention programs" (certainly an important topic but one we mentioned ZERO times in our e-mail to him). His actions show a complete lack of respect for the concerns of his constituents. We urge Hollywood Tans customers in the 5th district to reach out to Rep. Lewis yourself to ask why he is ignoring our concerns about the Tan Tax.

Sent: Wed 9/29/2010 5:07 PM
From: Congressman John Lewis []

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for increasing federal funding for health research and disease prevention programs. My heart goes out to all who suffer from chronic illnesses and debilitating medical conditions. I firmly believe the government has a moral obligation to stand by our courageous brothers and sisters by caring for them and promoting medical advancements that will fight and cure disease.

I have always been a strong and vocal supporter of full funding for the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which I'm proud to say is headquartered in Georgia's fifth district. Research done by these institutions is vital to the health of all Americans. A firm commitment to the NIH and CDC is a commitment to treating, curing, and preventing the most debilitating medical conditions of our time.

Stem Cell research is another area in which I believe we can make great progress in combating serious illnesses. As you know, a vast majority of experts believe that embryonic stem cells are the best hope of curing a host of complex diseases. I am a strong supporter of ethical stem cell research and the role that it can play in the advancement of health and medical research. We must provide doctors and patients with the most advanced research to fight these terrible diseases.

I will continue to fight for better treatment and care for patients with serious medical ailments. A strong government commitment to the best medical research represents our best hope for curing - among other things - cancer, diabetes, and AIDS. Thank you again for contacting me about this incredibly important issue. I hope that you will continue to share your views with me. Also, please visit my web site at for information on other issues of interest to you.


John Lewis
Member of Congress

1 comment:

  1. Hollywood Tan Owners and Customers---go to Fenn Little, a great choice, is running to replace John Lewis and needs your help and vote on November 2nd. Once elected, he will work to de-fund, repeal and reform the Obamacare TAX bill. He will be our voice and a ciitzen's representative in Washington.
