Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Customer service at Hollywood Tans

While other tanning salons might talk a big game when it comes to customer service, Hollywood Tans of Atlanta walks the walk by offering 10 Promises to their customers. Read them for yourself at

We also offer something that seems to be in short supply within our industry... a hassle-free cancellation process for tanning memberships. While some of our competitors apparantly require 12 month terms and notorized cancellation forms provided a minimum of 30 days in advance, Hollywood Tans will allow you to cancel your membership right in the salon after a short 3 draft term... easy squeezy lemon peezy. :) And if you forget to cancel or don't use your membership during a given month? We've got your back with #9 on our list of promises: a guarantee against un-used memberships. Go ahead... read it for yourself, right there in black and white.

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