Friday, June 24, 2011

Senate bill introduced to repeal 10% excise tax on indoor tanning

On 6/22/11, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) sponsored S.1278 - A bill to to repeal the excise tax on indoor tanning services. The bill has 5 co-sponsors in Sen. John Barrasso [R, WY], Sen. Roy Blunt [R, MO], Sen. John Boozman [R, AR], Sen. John Cornyn [R, TX] and Sen. Pat Roberts [R, KS].

The house version of the bill was introduced earlier in the month as HR 2092 (, with Rep Michael Grimm (R-NY) sponsoring and 29 co-sponsors.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Win a chance to Dance with Britney Spears! Sponsored by Hollywood Tans!

Atlanta, GA Radio - WWVA - WiLD 105.7 & 96.7 FM!: "Atlanta's Party Radio Station WiLD 105.7 and 96.7 FM!"

Are you ready to get down like Britney Spears? Atlanta’s New WiLD 105.7 & 96.7 can get YOU and a friend on stage with Britney July 17th at her Phillips Arena concert.


• Take a listen to Britney’s “I Wanna Go” HERE

• Choreograph your dance moves

• Make a short video (less than 1 minute)

• Post on youtube or another video sharing site

• Enter your info and the video URL below

• Deadline for videos is 7/7 at 5pm

• Starting 7/8 – get all your friends to vote for your video

• Voting ends 7/14 at noon – most votes wins

Courtesy of Jive Records, Live Nation, and Hollywood Tans Atlanta.

Read more:

Friday, June 3, 2011

Legislation to Repeal Tan Tax in Congress

The Indoor Tanning Association and Hollywood Tans applaud Congressmen Michael Grimm of New York, Pat Tiberi of Ohio and Phil Roe of Tennessee and the 24 original cosponsors for their leadership in introducing H.R. 2092, legislation to repeal the regressive 10% tax on tanning services enacted as a part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s healthcare reform legislation).

“This tax has been a serious hardship on our industry” ITA President Dan Humiston said. “Because the industry depends on consumers’ discretionary income, the recession and this tax have had a profound negative effect on our businesses. In reality, this tax takes money out of the pockets of some of those least able to afford it: working women, who are not only customers but also make up a majority of our business owners; and college students, who are both customers and employees.”

The recession and this tax have resulted in business closings and lost jobs. Since 2009, more than 3,100 businesses representing 15% of the industry have closed nationwide resulting in approximately 24,000 lost jobs in the private sector.

The Indoor Tanning Association is a national trade association representing all major manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of indoor sun tanning equipment as well as professional sun tanning facilities nationwide. The industry includes approximately 18,000 small businesses employing approximately 120,000 people

Dermatologist Leader: Working on a tan is like training muscles

“Working on a tan is analogous to training muscles; both, if done in moderation and reasonably, serve a worthwhile purpose.” — Dr. Bernard Ackerman, founder of the New York City-based Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology and author of The Sun and the ‘Epidemic’ of Melanoma: Myth on Myth.

Ackerman, decorated by the American Academy of Dermatology with the group’s Master Dermatologist designation (its highest honor), is one of several dermatology leaders who take issue with dermatology organizations who attempt to characterize tans as damage.

Tans are different fundamentally from sunburns, Ackerman points out. “A sunburn is pathologic, it calling forth redness at the least, ulcerations and scarring at worst, and blisters in between. A suntan is physiologic, the result of normal melanocytes at the dermoedidermal junctions producing more melanin for the epidermis, that dark pigment serving to protect against ultraviolet radiation.”

In his Myth on Myth book, Ackerman quotes Newcastle University Professor of Dermatology Dr. Sam Shuster, summing up tans as part of nature’s design: “The dogma, now fossilized in print, is that any tan is a sign of skin damage. Tell that to Darwin.”