Friday, June 3, 2011

Legislation to Repeal Tan Tax in Congress

The Indoor Tanning Association and Hollywood Tans applaud Congressmen Michael Grimm of New York, Pat Tiberi of Ohio and Phil Roe of Tennessee and the 24 original cosponsors for their leadership in introducing H.R. 2092, legislation to repeal the regressive 10% tax on tanning services enacted as a part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (President Obama’s healthcare reform legislation).

“This tax has been a serious hardship on our industry” ITA President Dan Humiston said. “Because the industry depends on consumers’ discretionary income, the recession and this tax have had a profound negative effect on our businesses. In reality, this tax takes money out of the pockets of some of those least able to afford it: working women, who are not only customers but also make up a majority of our business owners; and college students, who are both customers and employees.”

The recession and this tax have resulted in business closings and lost jobs. Since 2009, more than 3,100 businesses representing 15% of the industry have closed nationwide resulting in approximately 24,000 lost jobs in the private sector.

The Indoor Tanning Association is a national trade association representing all major manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of indoor sun tanning equipment as well as professional sun tanning facilities nationwide. The industry includes approximately 18,000 small businesses employing approximately 120,000 people

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